The logo of Good Shepherd Cathedral School symbolizes the partnership of faith and education. With the school established in 1995, it continues to evangelize the people of the community of Fairview, Quezon City while shaping the young minds of the children.
At the center is the emblem of the school divided into three parts:
- Top - the Miter of the Bishop
- Sinister - the coat of arms of the Diocese of Novaliches (Ministerii)
- Dexter - the image of Jesus the Good Shepherd with a child (Nobilitas)
- Bottom - the torch with an open book symbolizing that education as the light and guide. (Excellentia)
On top of the logo is the colored yellow miter of the bishop. The color yellow represents the universal Church to which the school belongs. It is under the protection and care of the bishop of the diocese. Thus, the miter represents the school as cathedral school that carries the name: Good Shepherd Cathedral School.
The light blue color background on the sinister is symbolic of the La Mesa Dam reservoir, main source of water for the whole Metro Manila and also represents the Marian character, our special devotion to the Mother of Jesus and our mother too. "Do whatever he tells you." (John 2:5) – These are the words of Mary during the wedding feast in Cana which encourages us that everything that Jesus will tell us we must obey and follow Him: "To Jesus through Mary."
At the right are the imposed images of the chalice and the sacred host with the shining star. The chalice and the sacred host represent the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, the center of our Christian life, the summit and apex of our Catholic faith. The star thereby depicts this original settlement of the new Diocese. The Christmas star was specifically chosen by the clergy to signify that the Diocese was born in the season when Jesus was also born. The light shining from the star depicts the name of the Diocese of Novaliches which means "pagus novae lucis" or “place of the new light”.
At the dexter is the image of the Good Shepherd, patron of the school. "I am the Good Shepherd. I know my own and my own know me. And I lay down my life for the sheep." (John 10:14-15) The Shepherd represents Christ as the model to everybody especially the teachers and the staff. The Child is in the image, instead of a sheep, because he represents the learners being entrusted to the school. It is also a symbol of humility and meekness. The color red represents the burning fervor of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who guides the children on their way to the Father.
At the bottom is the symbol of an open book with a torch. The book represents the Holy Bible as our ultimate source of real inspiration for fine education, honorable career, and meaningful life. While the torch signifies the role of education as a guiding light to every learner, as well as the flame and warmth of love we all should manifest and radiate. The green background symbolizes life, that in education we bring life to the learners and usher them towards the coming and fullness of the kingdom of God (Adveniat Regnum Tuum - Matthew 6:10).
O Jesus, Good Shepherd, see us gathered from near and far, proclaiming You are our Master, our Shepherd. You call and lead us to fruitful paths of peace and contentment. In You, Jesus, is sweet labor and joyful rest. Never have You abandoned us, sweet Jesus; never have You failed us. Through dark nights and difficult moments, You carry us. There is no fear when You are near. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life; without You, who can survive?
O loving Son, as the Father has entrusted all of us to You, we lift up to You, in particular, His Holiness, Pope Francis, all the bishops, priests, religious, lay leaders, family heads, and all those who have flock under their care, that they may shepherd them after Your own heart. Bring back quickly to the fold those who are lost. Send the Spirit to make us humble, meek, and obedient, that You may be pleased to grant our every plea, especially this one:
(make your request)
O Good Shepherd, You are our only hope. Only You can make us one; only You can renew our land. Only You can lead us safely to our true home, where at last, we shall see and adore You face to face forever. Amen.
Good morning, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. We praise and thank you for the many gifts you have given us, especially the gift of our lives. We thank you for giving us companions who love, guide, and help us. We are heartily sorry if we hurt someone today. Lord, we offer you all that we think, do, and say. Help us to be faithful and grateful so that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, may continuously guide us to be good children for your greater glory. Amen.
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, meek and humble – Make our hearts like Yours.
I hear the Shepherd’s voice
Gathering us all,
To see the beauty of the world
And feel the love of all.
To know what’s right or wrong
With fearless hearts lead on
And someday to revive the land
With God above us all.
Bright with the Spirit’s light
Shine on, Shine on
I praise my God For thee.
Alma Mater Dear
Forever, and eve
My heart shall burn for thee.
Aking narinig ang tinig ng Pastol
Tinipon upang madama
Pag-ibig Niyang lubos.
Mamuhay ng tuwid
Sa puso’y may tapang
At lumao’y magbalik muli
Sa gabay ng Maykapal
Liwanag mo’y tanglaw
Patuloy sa pagningning
Papuri sa Diyos
Alma Mater ko
Ang puso ko’y kailanma’y
Mag-aalab sa’yo.
(Ulitin ang Koro)
Original Lyrics and Melody by: Mrs. Carol Dimaano
Musical Score by: Myers Bernabe and Joseph Dimson
Tagalog Translation by: Marco Paolo Lovendino and Khrizzell Adriano